Industry: Iron Mine
Texada Island Heritage Society


Texada Mines Ltd.

Originally discovered in 1871

1873 - 1874 Texada Land scandal propted the first Royal Commission in B.C. forced Premier Amor De Cosmos from Government.

The property was acquired by Puget Sound Iron Company in 1875.

1883 – 1893 the Lake, Paxton and Prescott ore bodies were mined. Iron Ore was shipped to a smelter at Irondale, Washington State US.A.

1893 - 1919 mining was limited to occasional shipments.

Texada Mines Ltd., incorporated on May 29, 1951, acquired the properties and immediately begun construction of roads, dock, dry mill and other facilities.

May 15, 1952 the first shipment of iron concentrate 4,000 LT (long tons) left Texada Island bound for Japanese steel mills.

1954 Prescott, Lake, South and North Paxton pits were developed.

1956 The wet mill was constructed to produce the copper, silver & gold concentrate.

1956 – 1962 Yellow Kid - Ore body believed at that time to run very deep. Boulder Nest - New ore body discovered.

1963 The underground mine is in production Open pit production was phased out by 1964 - 1966.

Oct.6, 1966 M.S. Texada Ore Carrier first load of Iron Concentrate to Japan

Aug.30 1967 Kaiser Aluminum & Chemical Corporation U S.A. Takes over Texada Mines Ltd.

1969 Trackless mining begins.

1974 June - July 2,  Texada Mines experienced the first strike in 22 years.

1976 December 23,  Production shut down.

1977 Aug 29, Ritchie Brothers Auction.


Accession Number: 2006.58.21
Title:  C.1900
Accession Number: 2011.65.03
Title: Original Wharf c.1900

Accession Number: 2010.08.03.25
Title: Diamond Drill above the Prescott Pit

Accession Number: 2010.08.03.26
Title: Ingersall Rand Rotory Drill Master

Accession Number: 2014.55.03.36
Title:Air Track Drill Drilling in the Yellow Kid Pit
Accession Number: 2014.55.03.3
Title:Blasting in the Yellow Kid Pit
Accession Number: 2014.55.03.4
Title: Northwest  40D Shovel Loading Kenworth End Dump
Accession Number: 2014.55.03.38
Title:24 ton Kenworth Model 802

Accession Number: 2010.08.03.07
Title: Looking out the 55 level Portal 24" gauge trackage

Accession Number: 2007.133.19
Huston Hornaby 30 D.G. 4.5t. Diesel Locomotive

Accession Number: 2007.133.20
Title: Ore Cars at the Portal

Accession Number: 2007.100.44
Title: Loaded 64 C.F.Ore Car

Accession Number: 2011.65.11
Title: Dumping 64 C.F. Ore car

Accession Number: 2007.100.104
Title: Jubo Drill

Accession Number:2007.138.155
Title: Jumbo Drill

Accession Number: 2007.100.53
Title: 72" Slusher mucking in the Scram

Accession Number: 2007.100.55
Title: Modified Allis Chalmers Road Grader

Accession Number: 2007.100.47
Title: Eimco 916 LHD Scoop mucking out the sump

Accession Number: 2007.100.112
Title: Wagner Ore Carrier

Accession Number:2007.100.114
Title: 7 ton Joy Transloader dumping into the ore pass

Accession Number: 2007.100.119
Title: Center - Ore Skipp, Right - Cage
Accession Number: 2012.57.56
Title: Dual Friction Hoists on the top floor of the Head Frame

Accession Number: 2007.100.127
Title: 158ft. Tall Head Frame

Accession Number: 2007.100.128
Title: Raw Ore Stockplie above Crushing Syatem and Wet Mill
Accession Number: 2014.55.03.18
Title: Ball Mills

Accession Number:2014.55.03.41
Title: Floatation Cells

Accession Number: 2012.57.60
Title: Eimco Filters

Accession Number:2014.55.03.20
Title: Rotary Drying Kiln

Accession Number: 2014.55.03.21
Title Iron Ore Concentrate stockpile

Accession Number: 2014.55.03.43
Title: Copper Concentrate stockpile

Accession Number: 2006.58.21
Title: 60,000 st. Texada Mauru built in 1966

Accession Number: 2011.65.03
Title: Dual Ship Loaders

Accession Number: 2004.23.01
Title: Ship loader filling

Accession Number:2007.138.174
Title: Iron Concentrate off to Japan

Accession Number: 2014.55.03.22
Title: Copper was shipped to other countries

Accession Number: 2007.141.02
Title: Ritchie Brothers Auction c.1977

Accession Number: 2007.141.01
Title: Ritchie Brothers Auction c.1977

Accession Number: 2007.100.83
Title: Site Index c.1975



All Rights Reserved Texada Island Heritage Society - Copyright 2006-2020
 Web Design courtesy of Laurie Anne Paton-Rundle

 This page was last updated Tuesday October 20, 2020